Working with Dreams

“Peter helped me work with my dreams in such a way that lay­ers of pre­vi­ous­ly veiled mean­ing rel­e­vant to my life could shine through.”

Dream­work client, Northampton

Dreams are the direct expres­sion of the uncon­scious, often urgent mes­sages sent from a deep, know­ing part of our­selves to our less-aware dai­ly selves. They are spun out of the same cloth as artis­tic cre­ations, but they are less inhib­it­ed by craft require­ments or the time need­ed for pro­duc­tion. They speak their own lan­guage, one that may at times seem fright­en­ing, bizarre, or unde­ci­pher­able, though with a skilled mid­wife, they can deliv­er insights of extra­or­di­nary value.

I work as such a mid­wife, assist­ing a process that is already under­way when­ev­er dreams are ris­ing to con­scious­ness. My inter­pre­ta­tions are root­ed in the spe­cif­ic life-con­text of the dream­er, and remain pro­vi­sion­al until a deep ‘yes’ is felt – from the client’s body as well as mind.

Dream-work can be an inte­gral part of psy­chother­a­py, a par­al­lel track to cre­ative process work, or some­thing under­tak­en as a unique path­way to under­stand­ing and heal­ing oneself.