Working with Art and Artists

“Peter hon­ors both artist and the art­work, and is absolute­ly clear and hon­est with his feed­back. His input is like a key that unlocks a door to our under­stand­ing why we say what we say, write what we write, image what we image., move the way we move – so that we may go into that poem, paint­ing, pho­to­graph, or move­ment more deeply in an inte­grat­ed, mind­ful way that sup­ports the very core of who we are.”

Susan Whit­more, For­mer Direc­tor
The Writer’s Place, Kansas City, MO

Much of what is pow­er­ful in art springs from the same deep sources as dreams, but with the added com­plex­i­ty of trans­mit­ting those insights and feel­ings into a skill­ful­ly craft­ed phys­i­cal object or per­formed man­i­fes­ta­tion. My own inter­est in psy­chol­o­gy actu­al­ly had its incep­tion in first a curios­i­ty, and lat­er a pas­sion, about the mean­ing and func­tion of artis­tic expres­sion. That dri­ve lived not only in my own work as an artist, but also in my sub­se­quent work as a cura­tor, exhi­bi­tion design­er, and pho­tog­ra­phy book editor/publisher. It came into per­haps its fullest flower through my years of lead­ing inter­dis­ci­pli­nary cre­ative process groups. All of which honed my capac­i­ty for empa­thet­ic con­nec­tion with cre­ators, and my sen­si­tiv­i­ty to the metaphor­ic / sym­bol­ic / aes­thet­ic aspects of their creations.

In work­ing with artists, they them­selves deter­mine to what extent the focus is cre­ative devel­op­ment, psy­cho­log­i­cal insight, or some com­bi­na­tion of the two. Fur­ther, the work can be explorato­ry, or focused on a par­tic­u­lar issue (i.e., mov­ing through a cre­ative block, unpack­ing the mean­ing of a repeat­ing motif, or open­ing to new ways to per­ceive and present a body of work).

My involve­ment can be long or short term and can be sched­uled to coin­cide with cycles of cre­ative pro­duc­tion rather than the con­ven­tion­al cal­en­dar. When desired and appro­pri­ate, in-stu­dio ses­sions are also possible.