My work with peo­ple is cen­tered on the cre­ation and main­te­nance of a safe psy­cho­log­i­cal space, one in which my clients can feel tru­ly seen and heard, and where­in any and all issues can be respond­ed to with patience, insight and com­pas­sion.  With a non-judg­men­tal mind and heart, I work to release neg­a­tive pat­terns and sup­port each person’s unique heal­ing path — even if they can­not at first iden­ti­fy it themselves.

“He can go deep with you, and stay with you there, in places where most peo­ple can’t.”

Psy­chother­a­py Client, Northampton

“Peter has an unusu­al­ly orig­i­nal mind with keen aware­ness of both the inner world of psy­cho­log­i­cal and spir­i­tu­al dynam­ics, as well as of the out­er world of his­to­ry, sci­ence, and the cre­ative arts. His abil­i­ty to link those worlds in the ser­vice of expand­ed aware­ness and heal­ing is his great talent.”

Richard Trous­dell, D.F.A., IAAP
Jun­gian Ana­lyst and for­mer Chair,
U‑Mass Amherst The­ater Department